Oak Crest hosted its 5th Annual U19 (NIAID NIH Award Number U19AI113048) meeting on April 23-25, 2018. Colleagues and friends from Johns Hopkins Medical Institute (JHMI), Vanderbilt, UTMB, UCLA, Scripps, the Miriam Hospital, and CDC arrived on Tuesday April 23rd and attended the customary casual reception and dinner at 38 Degrees Ale House in Monrovia.

Wednesday’s activities were held at the Arboretum, which provided a natural and inviting setting for talks on grant-related topics. Peacocks could be heard chiming in with their approval, and Kathy Vincent made a new friend. The Tropic Truck provided excellent eats (hmmm, lobster quesadilla!) accompanied by Jim Jediken’s jazz quartet at Oak Crest for the evening social in our lab’s parking lot.

On Thursday everyone moved back to historic Santa Anita Park to continue the meeting, overlooking the historic Arcadia racetrack.

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