Two new articles with contributions from Oak Crest have just been published in peer-reviewed journals.
The first study by Bobardt et al.  in PLOS One describes a new inhibition therapy for Hepatitis C virus (HCV), which affects millions of people worldwide and fortunately has become treatable in the last decade. The paper addresses the problem of antiviral drug resistance by treating the virus with a two-drug combination. This project is part of our research in infectious diseases.
The second study by Bao et al.  in the American Journal of Pathology describes a role for the human RGR-gene in Age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a progressive eye disease that causes blindness in the elderly. The paper shows that the splice variant RGR-d causes deposits in the Bruch’s membrane and a degeneration of the tissue structure. This project was supported by our Imaging Core.